Thursday, July 2, 2009


Each card has its own meaning all the way from the major arcana cards to the minor arcana cards. The suits in tarot cards are not the same as regular cards. This article is going to explain the tarot card meanings for each of the four suits. Just like in a regular deck of cards, tarot cards have four suits. Each of the four suits has a meaning and therefore each card has two different meanings, one for the regular and reversed view of the card. The first suit is Wands, and this typically symbolizes growth or energy among other things. If the 4th house or its lord has any connection, then the native can engage himself as an estate broker. Since the third house signifies books and publications (magazines), one can become an editor, newspaper reporter, news correspondent, information officer, journalist, etc. The third house also governs change of residence (being in 12 to the 4t housergain, signature signing contracts or agreement, rum ours of all kinds, conveying of messages, carrying tales etc. Become aware of the emotional state that you would rather not be spending your life energy on and begin to make it a point to either change the interaction with that person or remove yourself from relating with them. One key factor is that if you remove yourself from the relationship of an individual that brings up negative emotion if you have not healed a core issue that it is based upon you will only be putting off the inevitable. Those issues will resurface in your life in another person. This is symbolic of this planet's lightning fast mental circuitry of the human brain. Try the following exercise. Set a timer for 5 minutes, close your eyes, and sit still. Stop all thoughts and just exist. Do your best to think about nothing and breathe in and out. Do not allow yourself to focus on any thoughts. I want you to focus only on your breathing and your heartbeat. Do your best to remain completely focused on this task until the time is up.

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