Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Using the Moon to Bring You the Success You Know You Deserve

Working with your Moon

It gives me great pleasure to present these 'instructions' and ask that you use them to bring about whatever it is you want from your life. Before I do so can I offer the following information for your consideration.

To give a brief explanation: the Moon points to a basic emotional need. Remember this, for it will help you understand your needs rather than your wants. For example: Moon in Cancer gives the emotional need for home and family, in Taurus for roots and stability. These are needs and when understood can help cope with those moments of depression (which the Moon also rules) when your needs are not being met. Have you ever wanted something and couldn't afford it yet bought it anyway? This is your Sun sign talking to you (the Sun rules the ego). Have you ever felt absolutely happy with your lot in life? This is the Moon talking to you for she is supplying your needs. Sure, they'll always be fluctuations (we all know about the phases of the Moon) but once you understand your needs versus your wants they will always be met. In understanding this know in your heart that the Moon will always supply whatever it is you need.

On or near the New Moon you need to do some 'imagining.' First of all consider the following: Are we the master's of our own fate or, mere actor's playing to a script written long before we were born? Remember: A person's inner development and growth is subject to his or her own free will and your attitude to things 'inner' is the first step in mastering outside events for it's not what happens to you it's how you react to them. Know it or not we're all born to a certain predestined set of outside circumstances (a jockey for example would not make a good basketball player and vice versa) that we can master by our inner attitude. This can and does bring positive or negative reactions.

By changing our inner attitude we can bring about changes in our outer conditions. This is a fact of life we must never, never forget. Your state of being attracts into your life whatever you dwell upon. If you think negative you will attract negative. If you think positive you will attract positive, there is no other way. Another example: a stove is built for cooking, but what gets cooked is a matter of choice. Look at your Sun Sign for if you are a Pisces there's no point in trying to be a Sagittarian for the structure is different. Sure, you can incorporate certain Sagittarian traits but you are still a Pisces (or whatever sign you are). "You are who you are."

The New Moon is all about 'emergence' and soon you will surface from the dark into the light with no idea as to what is in store for you yet, possessing an inner confidence of knowing that whatever lies ahead is meant for you. Do not attempt to make things happen nor judge what is happening to you. Accept the experience of your 'birth.' The following should be your one thought for the day: I am what I am and what is meant for me will not go past me. I accept all that is given to me no matter what it may be for the universe gives not one 'gram' more of what I am capable of carrying. Consider the word emergency and where it came from for the New Moon is all about urgency, a quickening and a new beginning. This is the 1st step on your journey towards life and living.

As you move through the days until the 1st quarter passing through the crescent phase to the 1st quarter you'll be laying the GROUNDWORK and putting into action whatever you come to realise needs to be done. In laying the groundwork take a few moments to briefly review the past. Don't dwell upon the past but realise it brought you to where you are now. It's time to recognise this link and to assert your individuality. Learn from the past and from what you have learnt apply this wisdom to the future, for these days are 'future-oriented' yet you must still retain a consideration of the past. In living these few days, in accepting whatever they bring you, in acknowledging all that is happening to you is meant for you, an 'emergence' an idea or, a pathway to the future will reveal itself.

At the first quarter ACTION is the keyword. Whatever you've come to realise over the past few days you must put into action. This is a crisis or quickening phase and there'll be some pain experienced if you've not laid the groundwork or, a goal ahead to be reached if you have.
No matter, there'll be an urge to act, to do something, to say something, to go somewhere so become aware of the consequences of your actions for the next phase will tell you.

The Gibbous Moon (when the moon is almost full) is when you're in the most CREATIVE or HAPPENING phase. Whatever you've set in motion will either bring you fulfillment or, your own undoing. The emphasis now is on self-expression in full awareness of the consequences of your actions. Life will either open its doors for you or shut them in your face! Whatever happens NOW is happening as a result of what YOU have set in motion, no one else.

The Full Moon brings into MANIFESTATION your motivations of the previous days. This is a time of tremendous tension for it contains the rewards or punishment of your actions. If all goes according to plan there'll be fruition and culmination or, a collapse and disintegration. No matter, the Full Moon represents the halfway mark to this cycle.

We've all heard about the craziness of the Full Moon, now you know why.

As you move through the next few days you'll experience the Disseminating Moon. These are the days when you must attempt some SYNTHESIS of what you've experienced. If you've experienced some success or fulfillment you'll now find yourself looking at the 'bigger picture' and what you have to offer. Realising there is a future and to bring all the elements of your success together in such a way that their value is not transitory, but can have lasting meaning. If, on the other hand, nothing has come together and you've experienced some disintegration then it'll be necessary to pick up the pieces, to say you're sorry, to forgive yourself for getting it wrong and sew your life back together again in the expectancy of the next New Moon.

No matter what you've experienced, this phase is one of combining all the good and bad, all the elements of happiness and sadness, of elation and disappointment and making it whole. In essence, putting your life back together again or living your life in the full light of your achievements (whatever they may be).

The last or third quarter is the phase of AWARENESS. Whatever you have endured or enjoyed must now be put aside in light of an ending taking place, a time to let go. No matter what you've accomplished or encountered over the past few weeks these days are about letting go, to have faith that you'll have more, not less. This can be and often is a difficult time if you've enjoyed some measure of fulfillment but a joyous time if you've experienced disintegration, for the old must make way for the young. These few days are days of reorientation, requiring from you an act of faith in the future for unless you have faith you are lost.

As you move from the last quarter to the New Moon you'll experience what's called the Balsamic Moon and the keyword is RELEASE. This is a time to prepare yourself for the New Moon when you can begin again to build or re-build your life from whatever you've experienced over the past few weeks. The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end. All is cyclic and the New Moon brings you back to where you were, giving you the chance to begin all over again, to build an even better life in light of what you've experienced. Or, to make amends and begin all over again with a little more determination based upon what you've come to understand about your inner self for its not what happens to you its how you react to it.

It's been my pleasure to present these 'instructions' for you and wish you well in bringing about whatever you want from your life for know it or not it's always going on. Only now, you can become conscious of it and apply it to your life and in a very short space of time you'll begin to notice that your 'outside' world will be taking shape according to your 'inside' world of awareness. I sincerely hope in your awareness of the above that you benefit in the shortest time possible, remembering you'll only get out what you put in. Don't have any set ideas or wishes, dreams, hopes or aspirations, just become more aware of what's going on 'within' you and 'without' you for in becoming more spiritual is no more than becoming more aware.

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