Sunday, December 28, 2008

What is Astrology?

People have been asking on how do we astrologers read birth charts or what is the formula or a way to read out the birth charts of any person. People seem to be amazed and felt as if we were magicians. I have been answering you all about all this. Friends, Astrology is not a magic or else, it is just a simple calculation of the planetary movement and placement based on your birth. We try to calculate your exact birth time and location from you and than try to calculate the planets positioning. We try to find the influence of planets on your life.

Friends, than we try to find out the planets influence on you. We normally try to talk of past, so as to understand you better. By telling about past, we understand that the details given by you or known by you are correct, and that we have our calculations done accurate. This is a normal work cycle, which we try to do always. There are some regular clients of us astrologers, so we do not discuss each and every detail again and again, so we just concentrate on past things. There are some people who have gone to different Astrologers or who are not keen on knowing past things. They just want to ask their questions and are just interested in future or how to improve them. Some web portals have online Astrologers, for you to know about yourself online and the system seem to be very fast. I was once a member to such site, but stopped doing it, as it takes a lot of time and energy. I am now using my full energy on my own site, so have a better accuracy graph.

Some people ask me, how do gem stones or keeping a cloth piece and Camphor help them, so my answer is as follows: We all must understand that the Earth and other planets were all formed by a huge explosion, and earlier were a BIG ball. Since earth and other planets were formed from one ball, we may be affected too by any other planet. Therefore, some of people like me try to help with gem stones. I also suggest some other solutions, like donations or other things. Friends, hey you all might ask why I call you all friends, without knowing anyone. Hey, I am calling you friends, as we can share things and can discuss with friends only. We can be comfortable with friends. I am sorry if you felt bad for calling you all as friends.

Finding Your Mate With Astrology Compatibility

Finding your astrology compatibility with people you are dating can be a fun way to judge whether or not the two of you are a match made in heaven or recipe for disaster. People turn to astrology compatibility services for many different reasons; some just see it as a fun couple's activity to do and don't really put much stock in the results. These folks feel that they are masters of their own destinies but appreciate the outside perspective that an astrological reading can provide. If the reading shows that they are compatible with each other than they are generally pleased with the results, congratulate themselves for being compatible and move on. If they find that they are incompatible then they look at the reading as a guide to places where they might improve their relationship to avoid any future problems.

The other type of people that use astrology compatibility readings use the service exhaustively to help plan their relationships. They're more comfortable trusting an astrologer to make personal decisions than they are with allowing themselves to be put on the spot. These folks like the reassurance of having someone who is an expert in compatibility guide them through their personal lives.

Whichever category you fall into the quality of your astrologer is of tantamount importance for determining your final outcome. If your astrologer is no good and you are using their services recreationally then you will not get much enjoyment from the experience; and if you are using their services as a way to plan out your life you will likely make more missteps that you're comfortable with. Blair Gorman offers free astrological readings to first-time clients as a way to show off her skills and prove to people that she does in fact know what she is doing and is qualified to help them with their relationships.

Get to Know Yourself With an Astrology Sun Chart

Having an astrology Sun and Moon chart created specifically for you is a fun and interesting way to explore areas of your personal life that you would otherwise be unable or unwilling to contemplate. These charts offer great insight into the depths of your personal life and help you understand why it is you do the things you do and act the way you act. In many regards one could think of an astrology Sun and Moon chart as a inexpensive evocative replacement or complement to seeing a counselor. Granted if you have serious personal problems an astrology chart is never a good solution over seeing a qualified counselor; however if you just have some issues you'd like to workout that are not too serious than an astrology chart is a great way to get started for only a little bit of money and time.

The one thing you want to be certain of when having an astrology Sun and Moon chart created for you is that you choose to go with a professional and experienced astrologer who will not disappoint you with a prefabricated completely impersonal chart. This especially holds true if you are visiting an online astrologer.

Although there are many qualified and excellent online astrologer's available the fact that they operate solely online means that you have to do a little bit of extra work to ensure that you don't end up paying a fraud. To help gain consumer confidence and recruit new clients astrologers like Blair Gorman of 123 Astrology offer a free first chart to all new clients so that people have an accurate representation of the skill level and professionalism. This is a great way to ensure that the astrologer you are choosing knows what they are doing and will give you the personal results you deserve.

Astrology and the Truth - An Unsettling Thought

The early Egyptian was very superstitious. Though their life was a close connection between the here and now and the life hereafter. To them the Pharaohs were more than men. They were gods that would continue ruling Egypt once the departed to Heaven. In harmony they would circle the earth with Osiris, waiting for the Day of Judgment, to come back and revive the good people.

But still the people wanted to know what the future may bring. Every mother that could afford the expense took her newborn to an astrologer to have his horoscope prepared and his future told. With the loving newborn in her hand and her dream for a bright future in her heart, she waited to hear the outcome of the cards.

Perhaps the mother of the boy Pharaoh has taken him to the astrologer. Having looked for the best person versed in reading and interpreting what the stars revealed. If then what did she learn. Did the sage tell her what she wanted to hear? A tale of prosperity, a long life and a beautiful wife? If so did she return home in the assurance that her newborn son would have nothing bad coming his way? Today we know what the astrologer should have said to her:

Your son will grow up in a palace. He will be rich and marry very young. He will be ruler of Egypt before he write and read properly. He will have the double crown of Egypt making every person bow before him. His wife will be blessed with exceptional beauty she inherited from her mother . And then glowing with pride he would have looked at her, suddenly pitying her. This will be all true but in less than 10 years time all this will be over and he will be dead.

King Tutankhamen died when he was 17 or 18 after he married when he was 10 and reigned Egypt as a boy with nothing but toys on his mind.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Which Numbers in Numerology Are Compatible?

Numerology as we all know is an ancient science of numbers. Every number has certain specific characteristics that might be compatible or not with other numbers. Finding numerology compatibility helps understand relationships and each other's nature. Numerology compatibility can determine success or failure in your life. For happiness and good health, it is important for you to find numerology compatibility at home and also at your work place.

In this article, we shall give you more information about numerology compatibility and how you can make use of it to pave the way for success in every aspect of your life.


You and your business partners: You should not have a partner whose number opposes yours, this will lead to misunderstandings and stress at work. It is very important for you to find a colleague whose number is compatible with yours to have a mutual relationship of trust and respect.

You and your business number: Your business number should be compatible with your number to lead to profits and success. If the business number is not compatible to your number, then you shall suffer more losses rather than profits. It is crucial that your business number is compatible to your number to ensure that your business flourishes in turn bring you the success you have always dreamed of.

Husband and wife: A happy home is the basic need of every human being therefore it is very important for the numbers between two spouses to be compatible. Usually there is tension or unhappiness in a marriage because of this simple reason. Marriage is a life-long commitment that should be made only when both the husband and the wife have characteristics that are compatible with each other. In order to ensure a happy marriage, make sure that your number is compatible with the same of your partner.

Love relationships: As we have all been in love at one point of time or another, we all know that not all love affairs are long lasting; actually some are extremely short lived. Many are disappointed and fail to make relationships work. This is a good enough reason to find out your compatibility with your partner before intensifying your relationship. This way you guarantee that the person is perfect for you and that the relationship would be a magical journey.


Number 1 and 4 are very compatible. Also same is the case with number 2 and 7. Number 1 and 2 are more compatible than number 1 and 1.
Number 1: 3, 4, 5 and 6
Number 2: 3, 5, 6 and 7
Number 3: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9
Number 4: 1, 5 and 6
Number 5: compatible with all
Number 6: 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6

Now that you know about numerology compatibility, do make it a point to use these numbers to your advantage. It is important that you surround yourself with compatible numbers to ensure success in everything that you do. The best part is that you can never go wrong or overdo it so go ahead and turn your life in the right direction with a little help from this amazing science named numerology.

Get Your Numerology Chart

Numerology is a belief system that is very popular all over the world, it is based on the theory that physical things and beings have numerical connections and it is this relationship that is studied. For example the number 4 is thought to be associated with creation and each of the letters in the English alphabet is assigned to a certain number. It is from these numbers that predictions and advice can be formulated. As a numerology reading is quite a complicated process it is only professionals that can accurately create a numerology chart, until now.

From such a chart a person is then able to see which areas of their lives need attention, it can also help you to make certain decisions that you might have been worried about. I once thought that numerology was hocus pocus and I was very sceptical about these so called numerology experts and what they claimed to tell me, after all who knows me better than myself I thought. I was going through a hard time and needed some sound advice and a friend of mine introduced me to "" and it was like someone switched a light on for me. "" is an internet service that is run by Blair Gorman who will provide you with a personalised reading totally free of charge. When I got my reading I was astounded, I couldn't believe the information that Blair was telling me, it was absolutely accurate and I was amazed. Once I had got over the shock I began to look into numerology with the 21 part tutorials that helped me to create charts of my own. Now every time I need to make a decision I use my numerology skills and life has never been so clear.

Finding Your Mate With Astrology Compatibility

Finding your astrology compatibility with people you are dating can be a fun way to judge whether or not the two of you are a match made in heaven or recipe for disaster. People turn to astrology compatibility services for many different reasons; some just see it as a fun couple's activity to do and don't really put much stock in the results. These folks feel that they are masters of their own destinies but appreciate the outside perspective that an astrological reading can provide. If the reading shows that they are compatible with each other than they are generally pleased with the results, congratulate themselves for being compatible and move on. If they find that they are incompatible then they look at the reading as a guide to places where they might improve their relationship to avoid any future problems.

The other type of people that use astrology compatibility readings use the service exhaustively to help plan their relationships. They're more comfortable trusting an astrologer to make personal decisions than they are with allowing themselves to be put on the spot. These folks like the reassurance of having someone who is an expert in compatibility guide them through their personal lives.

Whichever category you fall into the quality of your astrologer is of tantamount importance for determining your final outcome. If your astrologer is no good and you are using their services recreationally then you will not get much enjoyment from the experience; and if you are using their services as a way to plan out your life you will likely make more missteps that you're comfortable with. Blair Gorman offers free astrological readings to first-time clients as a way to show off her skills and prove to people that she does in fact know what she is doing and is qualified to help them with their relationships.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

TAROT CARDS – The Emperor part 2

Another very accepted view of the Emperor is that of him symbolizing all civilization. The Emperor in this light, is still less favored than the Empress, but without him and his representation, people would struggle to survive. It would be difficult for people's basic needs to be met. The Emperor can be seen as a symbolization of the laws of existence for all kind, which is greater than just being a symbol for the laws of humanity. This concept can be found explained in greater depth in the study of physical sciences. Another reason people dislike the Emperor is because he can remind people of rules that society places on people, which can be different than rules the government places on people. If people compare themselves to the Emperor, and feel they can relate to him, then they can become a likeness of their own desire to identify and preserve their own power. These desires can become very appealing to females, feeding their need to become their own emperor. In many readings, the Emperor possesses that of a patriarchal image, while the Empress possesses that of a matronly image.

Usually the Emperor is associated with rules. He is also associated with authority, and laws imposed upon people by the government and society. The Emperor can remind people of a soldier of sorts also. He is a strong entity, willing to set limits and ideals and then defend them if need be. All in all, the Emperor symbolizes respect, understanding, and responsibility. If the Emperor is reversed, he loses his severity. The Emperor would also become more compassionate and sensitive. He would also have problems with positive decision making skills. We can now see why many people express a deep affection for the Empress' motherly love. This is because these same people often feel frightened of the patriarchal sternness expressed by the Emperor. Also, the Emperor seems stern and dark. Once his vast array of armor is lowered, he becomes as warm and compassionate as his counterpart, the Empress.

TAROT CARDS – The Emperor part 1

Most people express a deep affection for the Empress' motherly love. It is because of this that these same people often feel fearful of the patriarchal firmness expressed by the Emperor. In the Waite deck, the Emperor seems stern and dark. He has a vast array of armor and seems to be poised in the heat of the desert. Seen also with this deck is how a narrow stream tries to make its way through multiple layers of earthen rock. Alternately, a calm, soothing river ran through a flourishing garden for the Empress. Sometimes other decks of tarot cards have tried to present the image of the Emperor in a more positive light.

The Emperor can be seen as a divine leader, more intangible and emblematic. He can appear more regal and sovereign in other decks as well. In the Haindl deck, the Emperor is presented as young, masculine, and virile. The Emperor is a young ruler in this deck who keeps far away from the World Tree. If the Emperor is presented within the first seven cards, it is seen as a test. This happens because things like passion and wealth can foster us but we cannot mature unless we also experience the rules society imposes upon us. We also need to be able to think realistically and strive for lasting goals. People will compare their fondness or lack thereof for the Emperor to the way they feel about abiding any rule they do not agree with. This is the same way people regard paying bills, fines or working low-wage meaningless jobs, is the way they feel about the Emperor. Just as people have to deal with the many displeasures of life because they are adults, people accept the Emperor for what he is.